A country's population is the total number of civilians within that country. In Earth Empires, a country's population provides tax revenue, consumes food, and contributes to networth. Increasing population is one of the principle goals of the Casher strategy. In addition, a country is destroyed if its population reaches zero.
Each civilian consumes 0.03 bushels of food and adds 1/6 Networth to a country. Civilians have no military strength, but the amount of people a country has may affect Chemical Missile and Stir Rebellions returns. Almost all strategies at least partially rely on tax revenue generated from population.
Maximum Population
A country's population will always converge towards its maximum population. A country's maximum population is increased if land, residences, or residential tech is increased. A country's maximum population is decreased if bioterrorism is inflicted upon it. Maximum population is also affected by the tax rate: if the tax rate is increased less people will want to live in that country but if the tax rate is decreased more people will want to live in that country.
The exact formula is:
Taxrate = tax rate as a decimal (0.00 - 0.70)
Res = total number of residences
Land = total number of acres
ResTech = amount of residential tech (1.00 - 1.88)
GvtPOP = 0.85 for the Fascism government, 1.50 for the Theocracy government, 1.00 for all other governments
BioFactor = 0.5 if the country is suffering from at least one bioterrorism plague, 1.00 otherwise
Population Growth
If a country's maximum population is greater than its current population, it will experience population growth. The rate of growth is dependent on tax rate, plague status, the current population, and the maximum population. The exact formula for population growth is:
Taxrate = tax rate as a decimal (0.00 - 0.70)
MaxPop = maximum population
CurrentPop = current population
BioFactor = 0.5 if the country is suffering from at least one bioterrorism plague, 1.00 otherwise
Expressed in words, if the current population is close enough to the maximum population, population growth will equal one third of the difference. Otherwise, population growth is a percentage of the current population, with a minimum of 40 population gained per turn (assuming the country is not under a bioterror plague). This formula can be used to design efficient stonewalling strategies, casher strategy start-ups, and to tweak other start-ups as well.
Population Loss
If a country's maximum population is less than its current population, it will experience population loss. The rate of loss is dependent on tax rate, plague status, the current population, and the maximum population. The exact formula for population loss is:
Taxrate = tax rate as a decimal (0.00 - 0.70)
MaxPop = maximum population
CurrentPop = current population
BioFactor = 0.5 if the country is suffering from at least one bioterrorism plague, 1.00 otherwise
Expressed in words, if the current population is close enough to the maximum population, population loss will equal one third of the difference. Otherwise, population loss is a percentage of the current population, based on the tax rate.
Methods of Reducing Population
The most common way of killing enemy countries is reducing their population to zero. The following attacks and spy ops reduce the target's population or population growth:
Stonewalling is a method of regaining population while under attack or previously under attack. For the full article, please see Stonewalling.