Public market

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Each server in Earth: Empires has a public market, where players can choose to either put their goods or technology points (hereafter referred to as 'items') up for others to buy, or they can choose to buy items that other players have put up for sale.


The market works by putting the lowest prices of an item up for sale first. If multiple countries put an item up for sale at the same price, these items are arranged so that the country that put their items up first will have their items sold first (a First-in-First-out system (FIFO)).

There is a delay between the time a player puts his/her items up for sale and the time those items reach the market. Each server in Earth: Empires has a different time delay in this period. Once these items reach the market, they will have a certain amount of time (dictated by each server) to be sold before they are returned back to the country. These delays are utilized by stockers wishing to keep their stock in a safe place between playing sessions.

When selling food, oil, and/or military units, you must sell a minimum of 5000 units. For technology, you must place a minimum of 10 units (of a particular type) on the market.

Market Sale Cap

All governments (except Communism) may only place up to 25% of each unit or tech type (they own) for sale at a time. Communist governments may place an additional 35% of each unit type and/or tech.

Market Commission

The public market takes a small percentage of the value of each transaction for itself. This commission is dictated by the government of whatever country is selling or buying.

Government Commission %
Democracy 0%
Communism 10%
Others 6%


All transactions on the public market where goods are bought take place immediately.

All transactions on the public market are viewable by other players. This information does not include the country who bought or sold the items involved in each transaction. However, the networth of each country gained or lost in each transaction may be noticed by others, and, in the right circumstances, it will be possible for other players to tell who bought or sold what.

It is possible to recall items placed on the market, should those items become needed before they are sold on the market. This recalls all items currently on the market and in route to the market--there is no way to recall only a portion of whatever is on the market. There is a turn penalty for recalling items.

Standing Orders

Players can issue what are called 'standing orders'. These are transactions a player can order for the public market to fill, at a future time. The player can place his/her order, based on the highest price he/she wishes, and the amount of items he/she wishes to buy. There is a small delay before these orders reach the market. Any item that is then placed on the market at a lower price than what the standing order calls for will be automatically bought by the country with that standing order. The orders are also placed in a FIFO system--whoever placed their order first will have theirs filled first. If a country's order is filled before the full amount of items on the market is bought, the next standing order will then be filled, or, if there are no more standing orders for that item at that price, the remaining units will be made available for others to buy manually. If a country's standing order is interrupted by a lack of cash on hand, the order is canceled. This feature was implemented to discourage market transfers and market camping.

Market History

You may view market reports split into intervals you specify on the drop-down, up to three days in the past. Only one type of good may be viewed at a time. Minimum price, maximum price, weighted average price, and total sold volume will be displayed for each period in which goods were sold in the time range you select.