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Missiles are special military units that may not be manufactured on demand, do not require the use of oil, nor lower a countries' readiness when deployed.

Missiles are developed by chance and one of any, or all types may be awarded during any turn played. It is entirely possible (however also highly unlikely) to develop 1 of each kind of missile during a single turn. A country will cease developing new missiles when 1 missile per 250 Acres is reached, with a minimum allowance of 10.

The likelihood of the development of missiles can be increased with investing in Warfare Technology or by spending bonus points in luck.

There are three missile types used:

Nuclear Missile - Abbreviated NM - Used exclusively to destroy land (acres).

Chemical Missile - Abbreviated CM - Used primarily to kill population, and destroy buildings.

Cruise Missile - Abbreviated EM - Used exclusively to destroy military units.

When firing a missile at an enemy, you're still bound by the limitations set forth by humanitarians or GDI membership. Firing missiles will also destroy a small portion of an enemies SDI if it it intercepted by the SDI.